Vaseline Aloe Fresh Review

As a product reviewer, I love discovering new products, but one of my biggest finds at the Unilver PentHOUSE event last month was actually from a brand I've been using all my life. We are huge Vaseline fans -- my mom uses the basic petroleum jelly for almost every conceivable skin ailment, from mosquito bites to rashes to burns, and we always keep a jar in the house for 3Po to slather on his eczema -- so it's almost a given that any Vaseline product would get a glowing review from me. But the Aloe Fresh Moisturizing Gel I fell in love with at the Unilever PentHOUSE Suite is definitely not my mother's old Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. I raved about it so much that Vaseline's PR agency sent me the entire Aloe Fresh line to try!

The Basics
Vaseline's new line of Aloe Fresh products -- Hydrating Body Lotion, Protecting Body Lotion and Moisturizing Body Gel -- contains aloe vera formulations for light, non-greasy moisturizing.

Skin is amazing, but needs proper care year round to stay healthy and look its best. During the warmer summer months, many women find their winter lotions unpleasant, leaving their skin feeling heavy or sticky. Vaseline Aloe Fresh is a line of light and fresh lotions that leave skin feeling hydrated and refreshed -- even in summer. It's perfect for warm weather or any time you want a lotion that feels light!

The Bongga
When I was little, my nanny had an aloe vera plant. When we had cuts or burns, she would break off one of the leaves, and she'd rub the clear gel oozing from the inside onto our skin. The cooling effect was incredible! That was many, many years ago, and my memory may be faulty, but Vaseline's Aloe Fresh Moisturizing Gel feels a LOT like that natural aloe. Rub the gel onto your skin and it feels instantly cool! It's a gel, but it's not sticky at all. You might get the same effect by putting a bottle of body lotion in the fridge (and that's actually a tried-and-tested tip for staying cool in the summer) but I need the space for food. Just give me the Aloe Fresh gel.

Honestly. Try it. It's great.

The Hydrating Lotion and Protecting Lotion with SPF 15 don't have that cooling effect, but I'm still really impressed with how light they feel on my skin. I'm really picky about my body lotions because I hate, hate, hate putting on heavy, greasy lotions for daytime use -- especially the ones with sun protection. Alfie is even pickier. His body lotion has to be ultra-light, contain sun protection and smell nice -- and by "nice", he means scentless, or if scented, it has to be very light, not flowery, not girly, not fruity, not cloying (see, I told you he was picky). The Aloe Fresh line passes both my standards AND Alfie standards. The SPF 15 lotion feels so light (no discernible difference between the SPF lotion and non-SPF lotion), I don't even know why you'd bother with the regular, non-SPF hydrating lotion!

The Blah
If I say anything negative about any Vaseline product, I risk incurring my mother's wrath. Fortunately, like mother like daughter, so I'm safe.

The Bottom Line
Vaseline's new Aloe Fresh line feels so light on your skin, maintaining your moisturizing routine throughout the hot months is never a chore. Vaseline has captured a whole new generation of loyal users with it!

Disclosure: I received an assortment of samples from Vaseline, but was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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