Halloween Time at Disney: Day 3

It hardly seems possible that the kids were able to wake up so early this morning, given the crazy day we had at the Disneyland Resort yesterday. But having ridden their first-ever upside-down, loop-the-loop roller coaster yesterday, nothing was going to get between them and California Screamin', not even pesky details like sleep deprivation and exhaustion. So we got into Disneyland as soon as we could (and fortunately, as guests of the Disneyland Resort, we got in a full hour ahead of everyone else!) to enjoy a few last rides on Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy (since it's only here for Halloween, we needed to make the most of it!), then switched over to California Adventure as soon as it opened.

Honorary Family of the Day!

Good thing we did, because a marvelous thing happened: we were selected as California Adventure's Honorary Family of the Day for September 19th! It had nothing whatsoever to do with the mom blogger event we attended yesterday and everything to do with being in the right place at the right time. I'll tell you more about it in another post because, honestly, I've got enough material for tons of Halloween Time posts! For now, I just want to wallow in all the wonderful memories we made this weekend. I was right... Halloween Time at Disney is truly a magical time of the year, and it's one of the best times to visit!

Disclosure: Disney covered travel, lodging and park admission for our weekend at the Disneyland Resort. I did not receive monetary compensation for this post and was not required to post. Information is provided by the Disneyland Resort and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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