Deliver Birthday Smiles with

What do McDonald's founder Ray Kroc, actress Kate Winslet, musician Sir Bob Geldof, basketball player Grant Hill, and famous-for-being-famous heiress Nicky Hilton have in common? They were all born on October 5! In fact, tells me that October 5 is actually the most common birthday of the year. Sounds strange? Consider that October 5 falls roughly nine months after New Year's, when all sorts of drunken shenanigans are taking place, it all makes sense....

(On a side note, October 5 also happens to be my youngest sister's birthday. We like to tease her that she was an "Oops" baby; there's a 7-year gap between her and the next sibling, and she's 13 years younger than our oldest sibling. Ewww, now I know what my parents were doing on New Year's Eve that year!!)

Here are some fun ways to celebrate birthdays with

* Surprise your favorite October birthday boy or girl with a birthday floral arrangement from 1-800-Flowers has dozens of ways to Deliver Birthday Smiles -- take this gorgeous pastel birthday cake, for example. It's sweet and delectable, and it doesn't even have any calories.

* Celebrate the most celebrated birthday of the year on October 5 with a Virtual October Birthday Bash on the Facebook Page. And if you're in Manhattan on October 5, watch out for the birthday float! Check out the 1-800-Flowers Facebook page to RSVP and get more details.

* You can also follow @1800flowers on Twitter to stay abreast of the latest holidays, get fun flower trivia, and learn about birthday celebrations in your area for the month of October.

Watch out for my next post -- I'll be reviewing one of their birthday bouquets and hosting a giveaway so one lucky winner can also enjoy something from!

Disclosure: I was not paid for this post. I will be receiving a floral arrangement from for a future review, as well as a gift code to offer in a future giveaway. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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