Bonggamom's Friday Finds -- List your Giveaways Here

Bonggamoms Friday Finds

Guess what -- it's the first anniversay of Bonggamom's Friday Finds! I can't believe it has been one whole year since I started sharing this linky with everyone. I posted my first giveaway roundup on September 24, 2009 and forty-one kind souls took pity on me and left links that day. The number of links has dwindled to as few as eight in a week, and is now in the hundreds! That's hundreds of great giveaways to join! Thanks so everyone who has been contributing to this linky, as well as everyone who has been using the linky. I'm glad it has been useful to everyone involved.

As always, feel free to leave links to your giveaways, as well as enter giveaways. Here's to another year of The Bestest Giveaways Around the Blogosphere!


  1. Thanks for the linky! http://healthbeautychildren

  2. Thank you for the linky and happy anniversary!

  3. Thank you for the linky!

    Please check out my giveaway linky if you get a chance -

    Hope your day is filled with Joy. =0)
