MomSelect Swag Suite

I can't believe it has been several weeks since BlogHer, but I'm reminded of it almost every day, because my kids are still enjoying the toys I picked up for them at the MomSelect Swag Suite, which happened at the same time as BlogHer. This year's suite was even better than last year's, in the sense that the room was bigger, the process was more organized, and the bloggers were nicer (i.e. there were no mad grabs for swag). Of course, the swag was amazing -- just like last year, the suite was chock-full of great products from blog-friendly companies. Here are my three favorite items from the MomSelect Swag Suite:

1) Webkinz JR.
My kids are nuts about Webkinz, so at first I was a bit disappointed to see Webkinz JR instead of Webkinz. Still, I thought, they're pretty cute, I might as well help myself. Well, guess which Webkinz 3Po sleeps with every night now? His new Webkinz JR. friend, a pink baby elephant that he named Cotton Candy! These animals are so adorable -- they're like bigger, softer, younger versions of Webkinz.

2) HEXBUG Nanos
3Po and Jammy are absolutely fascinated by the way these little creatures vibrate and wiggle around their little track. They look like colorful rubber cockroaches to me, but they boys quickly leap to their defense "They're not cockroaches, mama! They're HEXBUGs!".

3) Zhu Zhu Pets
I've blogged at length about my kids' obsession with Zhu Zhu Pets, and I'm so glad that MomSelect is continuing their partnership with Zhu Zhu Pets! I was able to get The Pea a long-haired pink Zhu Zhu Pet named Roxie, and she loves it so much because she can comb Roxie's hair and style it all she wants. Just like all the other Zhu Zhus, it's brilliant!

There were some great baby items which I didn't pick up, since I don't need them anymore, but I have fond memories of those SleepSacks and I recommend that every new mom buys one. And I was happy to see that one of my favorite companies, ActiveIon, is now working with MomSelect! Their Ionator home cleaner is an amazing product and we're loyal fans.

Thanks, MomSelect, for hosting such a great event!

Disclosure: At MomSelect's invitation, I helped myself to several samples from the Swag Suite, but was not paid or required to review any product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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