Make a change, donate your change to RMHC on Sept. 9

As you know, this summer I was invited to help spread the word about McDonald's Family Time. Happy Time. campaign. In August I asked you all to spare some family time for the Ronald McDonald House Charities® (RMHC®) via their and so many families rose to the occasion. I'm no longer doing any "official" posts for the campaign, but I still think RMHC is a worthy cause to support and publicize -- so this September, I'm asking you to spare some change.

What am I talking about? Here's the scoop:
You know that loose change on the floor in the car? In the bottom of your purse? In a jar on your desk? Well the U.S. Treasury estimates that we have $1.5 billion in loose change sitting around our homes and cars. This Sept. 9, Ronald McDonald House Charities® (RMHC®) is asking families to donate that extra change to help keep millions of children together with their families. The Charity will celebrate its 2010 RMHC Day of Change raising awareness for RMHC Donation Boxes placed on McDonald’s counters and in drive-thrus across the country available for donating spare change to support programs which provide a bridge to quality health care and give children and families the time together to heal faster and cope better.

We have a change jar in the kitchen; I often drop in pennies, nickels and dimes that I find lying around in our junk drawers, in the car, in my purse, and so on. I use it to pay the kids for chores they do that go above and beyond their normal chore routine. On September 9 I'll be taking it to our local McDonald's to empty it. It's time I started paying the kids in dollar bills anyway.

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. Information is provided by the featured company and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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