Fancy Nancy goodies!

Last month I posted some tips for throwing a Fancy Nancy tea party as part of Harper Collins' and TwitterMoms' Reading Channel launch. As a thank-you, they sent us a Fancy Nancy gift pack consisting of 2 books (Fancy Nancy Tea Parties and Fancy Nancy Poet Extraordinaire) , a couple of Fancy Nancy poet journals, and a fancy pink feather pen. The Pea loved it! Tea Parties contains all kinds of tips from Fancy Nancy herself on how to throw the perfect fancy tea party, complete with games, centerpieces, recipes and tear-out recipe cards. Poet Extraordinaire retells Nancy's quest for the perfect poem and is sure to be an inspiration for little girls who want to try their hand at some poetry. Both books contain the classic Fancy Nancy illustrations that little girls love, complete with swirls and glitter on the cover jacket! It's a great package -- thanks, Harper Collins and TwitterMoms!

Disclosure: I received a product sample as a thank-you for a previous post, but was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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