Contest Fun on Yoursphere

We've been busy these past couple of weeks with end-of-school parties and an out of town trip, so The Pea and I haven't really had a chance to sit down and continue our exploration of Yoursphere, the safety-first kids social networking site. As a MomCentral Yoursphere Test Drive Mom, I appreciate all the parental controls Yoursphere has to make sure our kids' online experience is safe, yet fun. The Pea appreciates all the fun things to do on Yoursphere, like their virtual world, spheres, and now contests.

When she logs onto her Yoursphere home page, she can easily see all the contests that are currently open. All she has to do is click on them to see if she wants to enter or not.

Entry is limited to Yoursphere users so again, your child's email and information are kept safe. The entries are simple and easy so kids don't feel discouraged. And the prizes are nice enough to get them juiced up to enter and win. What kid wouldn't want $20 to spend at Pac Sun? Heck, I'd want $20 to spend at Pac Sun!

I think they need to check some technical deets for some contest entries, though. This one says you can email your entry essay of 200 words or less to But then it also has a "Submit an entry" button, which brings up a Submission field. I assume the child types in his essay into this field -- but this field is limited to only 122 characters, not 200 words. Why even have this field if you can't submit a 200-word essay?

Other than that, these contests are great fun, and a great way to keep kids interacting on Yoursphere. If your kids likes contests, or prizes, or both, sign him or her up now on!

Enter to win a $50 gift card
Anyone who registers on (don't worry, it's free!) using my unique Test Drive Mom code -- YSMC-0045 -- will be entered into a weekly drawing to win a $50 gift card.

Don't forget: sign up with referral code YSMC-0045and you'll be entered to win a $50 gift card!

Disclosure: I wrote this post while participating in the Yoursphere Test Drive program by Mom Central on behalf of Yoursphere. I received a free lifetime Gold membership on; I will also be receiving Yoursphere t-shirts, and a $50 American Express gift card to facilitate my review. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

Note: I am not administering the $50 gift card giveaway.

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