I'm a Yoursphere Test Drive Mom!

I'm proud to announce that I've been chosen by MomCentral to join their team of Test Drive Moms for Yoursphere, a safety-first social networking site for tweens and teens. It's the perfect place for your kids to take their first steps online because of some unique features that aren't present in other social networking sites:

•Yoursphere verifies the identity of the parent providing consent and verifies that the parent providing consent is not a registered sex offender.
•Yoursphere limits participation to kids and teens through age 18.
•On Yoursphere, friending is modeled after the real world. Kids under 13 can friend those in the same age range, teens can friend teens. (A 12 year old girl typically would not be having a private conversation with a 17 or 18 year old unless a sibling so we don’t allow online. Siblings of course can be friends.).
•On Yoursphere, parents of children 12 and under can access any content their child has posted. Text, video pictures through their “parent dashboard” where they can manage their family account. (i.e. add another child, suspend membership, review content.)
•Yoursphere engages kids and teens in positive and purposeful activities -- they have contests.

We've signed up on Yoursphere.com (you can sign up for free or purchase a Gold Membership for $4.95 per month) and we're just starting to find our way around. Over the next few months I'll be watching how The Pea interacts with her peers on Yoursphere.com and share what I like and don't like about the site with everyone. Stay tuned!

Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in the Yoursphere Test Drive program by Mom Central on behalf of Yoursphere. I received a free lifetime Gold membership on Yoursphere.com, Yoursphere t-shirts, and a $50 American Express gift card to facilitate my review. Unless clearly stated, the views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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