Tiny Prints introduces the Tiny Prints Greeting Card Service -- win 25 FREE Tiny Prints Greeting Cards

Did you know that the English do not celebrate Mother's Day at the same time as Americans? Their Mother's Day celebration is called Mothering Sunday, and it is held on the fourth Sunday of Lent, NOT on the first Sunday of May. I have found this out many, many times to my great woe -- we never seem to get a card out to Alfie's mother on time.

This year we bought the card extra-early, and were quite proud of ourselves. But Lent was also extra-early this year, so once again we were late. Sending cards are a big deal in Alfie's family, so he's always in the doghouse for failing to make sure his cards get to the UK on time! He always says we ought to come up with an online service that lets you buy all your cards up front, then send them to you when the time comes to sign and mail them.

Sorry Alfie, I think Tiny Prints beat us to it. They've come up with the perfect answer to our problems: Tiny Prints Greeting Cards. It's their new service that allows customers to personalize, schedule and send online. You can choose from their fabulously chic designs, add a photo, personalize the greeting, add a favorite verse -- but if you don't want to personalize it, you don't have to do anything other pick from one of their ready-to-go designs. Then you specify when you want it sent to you (you can also have the card mailed directly to the recipient), and voila! Your worries are over. Check out the Mother's Day card I made:

Cute, huh? For this service, Tiny Prints offers 3 plans:
1) Super Sender: $16.99 annual fee plus $1.99 per card
2) Savvy Sender: $5.99 annual fee plus $2.99 per card
3) Pay As You Go: no annual fee, $3.99 per card

Zero Annual Fee plus 3 Free Cards
As an added bonus for the launch, Tiny Prints is waiving the first year's membership fee and offering the first three greeting cards free when customers sign up for a membership plan!

Join the Tiny Prints Twitter Party!
Tiny Prints and Resourceful Mommy are hosting a #makeitpersonal Twitter party on April 23 at 9:ooPM EST. Visit the Resourceful Mommy sitefor more details and to RSVP.

Win 25 free Tiny Prints Greeting Cards!
Tiny Prints and Global Influence have teamed up to offer 1 lucky Bonggamom Finds reader a prize consisting of 25 free Tiny Prints greeting cards!

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post with a link to your favorite Tiny Prints Mother's Day card design.
Extra Entries
1) Write the following on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook fan wall (and leave a comment on this post with your FB id):

I joined the giveaway for 25 free Tiny Prints greeting cards on Bonggamom Finds! http://ow.ly/1ARix

2) Write the following on the Tiny Prints Facebook fan wall (and leave a comment on this post with your FB id):

I joined the giveaway for 25 free Tiny Prints greeting cards on Bonggamom Finds! http://ow.ly/1ARix

3) Tweet this (and leave a comment on this post with a link to your tweet):

@bonggafinds is sending her mom a Tiny Prints card for Mother's Day -- are you? Customize and send 3 cards for FREE at http://bit.ly/90XWuR

4) Tweet this (and leave a comment on this post with a link to your tweet):

Win 25 free TinyPrints cards on @bonggafinds http://ow.ly/1ARix

5) Click on this link and enter the CafePress American Idol sweepstakes (leave a comment here telling me you've joined -- this is only valid till April 30, 2010).

The Rules

Maximum of 6 entries per person. This giveaway ends at midnight PST on May 5, 2010; I will draw a winner at random on May 6 and post the winner's name after the winner confirms acceptance. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!

Disclosure: I received free cards from Tiny Prints Greetings so I could try their new service, but was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Unless clearly stated, the views and opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. I love the "I'm fantastic" card! So funny :) http://www.tinyprints.com/greeting/product/14738/photo_mothers_day_greeting_cards_im_fantastic.html

    stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com

  2. I left a comment on the Bonggamom Finds FB wall. Username: Stephanie Jones

    stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com

  3. I left a comment on the Tiny Prints FB wall! Username: Stephanie Jones

    stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com

  4. I tweeted about the 3 free cards!

    Handle: asthepotter
    Link: http://twitter.com/asthepotter/status/12530402612

  5. Hallmark.com has a great reminder service for whatever holiday you set in a particular person's profile.

    i.e. I just received email reminders to send cards to my Indy500 peeps because Race Month starts in only 9 more days :)

    You can set up the reminder for up to 4 weeks before the event/holiday. AND they'll mail it for you, too.

    Not entering for the tinyprints, though it would be cool to get, just thought you'd want to know about the service I've found that helps me be a little less ditzy :)

  6. I love the striking frame pattern. So cute.

  7. http://www.facebook.com/tinyprints?v=app_107358835966565#!/Jonesmom?ref=mf

    I posted on the tinyprints Facebook page.

  8. I like the Flower Wreath design. Thanks.

  9. tweeted about the Twitter party

  10. I love the

    showmemama at ymail dot com

  11. I left a comment on the Tiny Prints FB wall! Username: Monique Anderson (Show Me Mama)

  12. http://www.tinyprints.com/greeting/product/14738/photo_mothers_day_greeting_cards_im_fantastic.html

    I like this one, and the boy version too!


  13. I like the striking frame card.

    d.hassman at gmail dot com

  14. I love this one: http://www.tinyprints.com/greeting/product/14777/mothers_day_greeting_cards_job.html

  15. I posted on your Facebook wall as Vanessa Mathison

  16. I wrote on Tiny Print's Facebook wall as Vanessa Mathison.

  17. I like http://www.tinyprints.com/greeting/product/14354/mothers_day_greeting_cards_indie_love.html.

  18. http://www.tinyprints.com/greeting/product/15046/mothers_day_greeting_cards_dense_floral.html


  19. commented on Bonggamom's FB wal as Shannon Wallace


  20. left comment on Tiny Prints FB wall as Shannon Wallace

  21. tweet


  22. I love the 'unique blooms' card design
    june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

  23. I like this one- http://www.tinyprints.com/greeting/product/14761/mothers_day_greeting_cards_modern_tulips.html


  24. posted on the facebook wall about this giveaway- Desiree Glaze


  25. wrote the comment on the facebook wall of tiny prints- Desiree Glaze


  26. http://twitter.com/WeeShare/status/13393382889


  27. http://twitter.com/WeeShare/status/13393421831


  28. This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered, and congratulations to the winner: #11, Show Me Mama!
