Ten Little Things that Lead to a Healthier, Happier You

We just celebrated Earth Day last week, and I blogged about the importance of taking small, manageable steps to start changing your habits and reducing your carbon footprint for the good of the planet. The same thing applies when trying to improve your personal health and happiness -- sometimes big steps, like starting a new diet or exercise plan, can feel overwhelming and daunting.

So this spring season, Twitter Moms and Trop50 are celebrating the little things we can do that add up to make a huge difference in bettering ourselves and our health, wellness and happiness! Here are ten little things I like to do

1) Go for a walk.
It's amazing how much just a ten-minute walk can do to improve my mood. It clears my mind, gives my calves and my spine a stretch, and puts a smile on my face.

2) Do something nice for myself.
Every now and then I like to give myself a small treat. I'm not talking about a new pair of shoes or a facial or a splurge that can leave me with feelings of overindulgence or guilt, I'm talking about an ice-cream cone, a trashy celebrity magazine or an evening of window shopping. It recharges my spirits and without breaking the bank!

3) Do something nice for others.
It's a win-win situation when you give your time, effort, money or goods to help people less fortunate than you. It truly gives you a sense of satisfaction, and you're helping other people as well. If you do it with your children, you've got the extra bonus of teaching them the valuable lesson of helping others.

4) Take a nap.
I love naps. Even a ten-minute snooze on the couch gives me a nice energy boost.

5) Lie down to sleep with my kids.
There's nothing more peaceful than snuggling in the dark with any one of my kids, breathing in their clean, fresh scent and hearing their deep, even breathing. There are usually a million things I have to do once the kids are in bed, but I like lying down with them for a while because it gives me a chance to breathe, regroup my thoughts, and reminds me of what's important in my life.

6) Get a hobby
Find something to occupy your mind and passions!

7) Dress up.
When you spend your days at home it's tempting to throw on a wrinkled teeshirt and a pair of jogging pants every day, and I admit that this is something I do on most days. But I try to make an effort to put something stylish and sassy on every now and then. I get a boost of confidence knowing I look good, which puts a spring in my step -- which also gets me lots of compliments, which gives me even more confidence!

8) Eat a light, veggie meal now and then.
It's amazing how great you can feel when you nourish yourself with nothing but fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains and vegetable proteins! I'm not advocating for total vegetarianism, but I truly believe almost everyone can stand to benefit from cutting down on animal meat and animal-based fats. The benefits to your health and to the earth are enormous!

9) Give someone a hug.
Show that special person in your life -- your mother, friend, husband, sister, daughter -- that you care about them. It will make both of you a little happier!

10) Find a change that works for YOU
All the suggestions in the world won't work unless you can find a way to integrate them into your lifestyle. Maybe my suggestions won't work for your lifestyle. Don't give up -- find your own change! TwitterMoms and Trop50 have gathered together 1000 tips for Moms to help them live happier, healthier lives. Check them out, and join the discussion to share your own!

Trop50 Little Things for Happy, Healthy Living
1000 Little Things for Moms from Trop50

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Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Tropicana Trop50 blogging program to be eligible to win 6 free Juicy Rewards points and a $30 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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