Meet one of my BlogHer Sponsors -- Twisted Orchid

I'm so excited to announce that Twisted Orchid has become an in-kind sponsor for BlogHer 2010! They sent me this gorgeous animal-friendly leather tote in dark eggplant, which I'll be taking along to the conference. I can't wait! In fact, I'm not waiting -- I've got some family events coming up, and this bag is the perfect way to hold all of the stuff I need to take when I have my kids with me (wipes, books and several hundred-odd tiny toys to amuse them) and look stylish at the same time.

Here's a brief description of Twisted Orchid from their website:
Twisted Orchid is a premium shopping destination for stylishly chic purses and handbags. From the pages of People Style Watch to Lucky, Elle and Oprah, trendspotters and fashion provocateurs alike are buzzing about our incredible selection...

And with our secure online shopping, guaranteed delivery, and 30-day hassle free returns, buying from Twisted Orchid is convenient and absolutely risk free!

I'll be posting a review of this bag soon -- watch out for it, because there will be a giveaway too....

Disclosure: I received a product sample, but was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Unless clearly stated, the views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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