It's Week 2 of the 4 Step Sustainable CURLS™ Campaign -- donate to New York Cares and receive a discount on Curls products

In honor of Earth Month, CURLS™ is launching The 4 Step Sustainable CURLS™ Campaign to help consumers reduce their carbon footprint without sacrificing style! Just like their “4 Steps to Frizz Free Curls”, they've come up with 4 steps for haircare consumers to achieve a cleaner, greener environment:
  1. Awareness
  2. Educate
  3. Maintain
  4. Sustain.

This is week 2, Educate. We all know that knowledge is power, so let's share the wealth and empower everyone to save the earth! Did you know...

* Recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions by significantly saving the amount of energy needed to manufacture the products that we buy, build and use

· Recycled materials account for 40% of the world’s raw materials and is critical to our future sustainability

· While plastics decompose, they can release potentially harmful substances into the surrounding ground water and soil, affecting future generations

· Letting your faucet run for five minutes uses about as much energy as letting a 60-watt light bulb run for 14 hours

· Every year, an estimated 706 million gallons of oil enter our planet's oceans: By far the greatest source of spilled oil is households. Used Motor Oil - accounts for 363 million gallons in our oceans! 50% of Americans change their own motor oil, but only 1/3 of that oil is collected and recycled. 2/3 are dumped down drains or spilled on driveways and onto streets. One typical 5 quart oil change improperly dumped can contaminate millions of gallons of freshwater.

Donate to New York Cares and receive a CURLS discount code!
Now that you know all about the effects that shampoo bottles have on the earth, here's an easy way to help offset the damage we do. Our CURLS Environista team is trying to raise $2000.00 for the charity New York Cares. For every dollar donated, $6.00 in services is provided. Here is the link to donate. Anyone who makes a donation will receive a promo code for a CURLS product discount!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post.T he views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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