Interview with Peter Walsh

This morning I had the pleasure of interviewing organizational expert Peter Walsh, who appears on TLC's Clean Sweep and on the Oprah Winfrey show. Last year I did an OfficeMax blogcast with Peter about getting organized for school, so when I received the invitation, I didn't hesitate. After all, summer is coming up and the thought of the kids dumping all of this past schoolyear's garbage on our kitchen table is filling me with dread! Not to mention all the summer camp and travel scheduling. I thought it would be a great opportunity to pick Peter's brain for more organization tips.

You can check out my interview with Peter below. You can only see Peter because I was on the phone (although if there had been a video camera on me, you would have seen me waving to Peter's image on my computer screen like an idiot, because I totally forgot that I was calling in and that he couldn't see me!).

As usual, I got some great tips. For example, Peter suggested a wall-based, modular message center -- with some of the modules at kids' height, so they can get involved as well! I think that's a great approach and one I never considered. As always, Peter advocates maintaining flat surfaces free of clutter. Peter also talked about his own organizational challenges (yes, he does have some!) and about his new line of products with Office Max, called you.organized.

Thanks to Peter and Office Max for all the great tips!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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