I want an iPad

Remember all those iTampon and Aunt Flo jokes when the iPad first came out? I think Steve Jobs is laughing all the way to the bank. Right now the reviews are mixed, but the iPads keep flying off the shelves! Apple just seems to have a talent for making things people want (or convincing them they want it). I'm no exception, which is why I’m participating in a contest at Best Kids Apps, a blog about iPhone apps for kids, for a chance to win an iPad. Wish me luck!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. By posting this, I am entering a contest for the chance to win an Apple iPad. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your follow at Cool Moms Cool Tips blog! Love your blog, happy to follow too!
    Good luck getting the ipad!
