HiveMoms Story Contest starts today, ends on Mother's Day -- win $250 cash!

Want some cash to buy a Mother's Day present? Or to help send you off to BlogHer 2010? Or to save or to get a new haircut or whatever? HiveMoms is running a Story Contest starting today, and any parent blogger can enter to win $250 cash!

All you have to do is write a story on your blog that relates to HiveMoms -- it can be about babysitting, babysitting co-ops, homeschooling, or whatever you want. The winning story will be the one that HiveMoms feels best "compels readers to find out more about HiveMoms" -- For more details and instructions on how to enter, go to the HiveMoms Story Contest page. The contest ends on Mothers Day, May 9. Good luck!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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