Win Two Tickets to the Asian American Film Festival!

Hey, Bay Area peeps! I'm giving away two tickets to the San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival! Here's some information to get you all excited:

The Center for Asian America Media presents the San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival (SFIAAFF) every March. The SFIAAFF is the nation’s largest showcase for new Asian American and Asian films, annually presenting approximately 120 works in San Francisco, Berkeley and San Jose. Since 1982, the SFIAAFF has been an important launching point for Asian American independent filmmakers as well as a vital source for new Asian cinema.

Thanks to the Clever Girls Collective and Asian American Voices, one lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will be receiving a pair of tickets to the movie of their choice (pending availability). To enter, just leave a comment here with your first and second choice of movies. Check out the movies, showtimes and locations at the SFIAAFF website.

I'll draw a winner at random from the list of comments on Wednesday morning. Good luck!

Disclosure: I am receiving two tickets to a movie of my choice at the Asian American film festival, courtesy of the Clever Girls Collective and Asian American Voices. Unless clearly stated, the views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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