Shabby Apple giveaways around the blogosphere

I recently posted about how much I love Shabby Apple dresses. They are beautifully made and make any gal feel glamorous! They're also reasonably priced, with many dresses in the $70-$80 range -- but if you're feeling lucky, you could enter to win a Shabby Apple dress on any of these blogs:

Shabby Apple Trunk Show giveaway -- ends March 27, 2010

Just for Me and You Shabby Apple giveaway -- ends March 28, 2010

Life Without Pink Shabby Apple giveaway -- ends March 29, 2010

Good luck!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. By posting about the giveaways above, I gain entry into those giveaways. Unless clearly stated, the views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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