Phineas & Ferb Eye Buggers

Spring is here, and toy companies are coming up with fun new ways for kids to play and pass the time. Jakks Pacific recently sent me a Phineas Eye Bugger toy to review, and even though my kids don't watch the Phineas and Ferb tv show too often, they love playing with this hilarious eye-popping toy!

The Basics
The Phineas and Ferb Eye Buggers are soft rubber toys with eyes that pop out of their heads when you squeeze their bodies. Each one comes with a lenticular trading card.

Here's how Jakks Pacific describes this toy:
Eye buggers are squeezable toys that will keep kids laughing all day long! Just give them a squeeze and watch their eyes bug out of their head! Ages 6+, Suggested Retail Price: $5.99

The Phineas Eyebugger they sent us is part of Jakks Pacific's new spring line-up of Phineas and Ferb toys, based on Phineas and Ferb, the #1 Disney Channel series for boys ages 6-11. Other toys in the line-up include the Phineas and Ferb 3” Figure Two Packs and Ferb Eyebugger.

The Bongga
My kids love this toy! Phineas has joined their Playmobil, Tinkertoys and Webkinz animals in some eclectic playacting game, and so far he has been the bad guy, the teacher, or some role or other. They're constantly squeezing Phineas and contorting him into various hilarious poses and laughing at how silly he looks.

Fortunately, the pop-out eyes seem pretty sturdy; despite being subjected to all sorts of abuse by my kids, they haven't separated from Phineas' body. Even I have to admit, it's hard to stop playing with Phineas; there's something therapeutic about squeezing and mashing up this toy, kind of like those small rubber stress balls.

The Blah
I'm not a fan of all the plastic and paper used in packaging this toy. It's already a big hunk of plastic/rubber, and I would have preferred it to come in a plastic net bag (like the kind marbles come in) to save on packaging.

The Bottom Line
Phineas and Ferb Eyebuggers are as funny as the characters on the tv series! They are fun novelty toys that would be great to stuff into any kids' Easter basket!

Disclosure: I received a complimentary product sample, but was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Unless clearly stated, the views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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