Bummas baby cloths

Even though my kids have moved past the diaper stage (and thank heaven for that), we still have sticky hands and faces that need to be wiped, so I was happy to receive a sample package of Bummas cloth wipes to review. Every household with babies or kids needs wipes, and these can be washed and used again and again. They are so soft, I wish these things had been around back then to wipe my little ones' bummas!

The Basics
Bummas are small multipurpose cloths (5"x7") that come in packs of ten; each cloth is edge-stitched in a different colored thread and there are 4 different color schemes available. They are 100% machine-washable, cotton-woven velour terrycloth.

Here's how the makers of Bummas describe their product:
Bummas are small, soft, luxurious, eco-friendly baby-sized cloths made especially for drying baby bottoms, as well as for blocking those surprise squirts. You can virtually eliminate irritating diaper rash without the use of powders, talcs and ointments by simply drying your baby's bum with a Bumma.

The Bongga
I love how soft these cloths are. The terrycloth material feels so nice and fuzzy, not rough at all. My kids used to hate being wiped with those disposable wet wipes, they always made them wince because it made their skin sore! A damp Bummas cloth is much, much gentler to the skin. And even though there are no more babies in this household, I've still found quite a lot of uses for Bummas! Right now I use them to wash the fingers on Jammy's right hand, since his arm is in a cast and he can't put his right hand under the sink. They're the just the perfect size!

Here are some other ways you can use them ....
* You can keep a couple in the car for wiping dirty hands on car trips.
* They make a great washcloth for giving sponge baths to sick children.
* They're the perfect eco-friendly nose wipes since they don't irritate the skin.

And of course, since they can be washed and used again and again, they are a great eco-friendly alternative to disposable wipes.

The Blah
If you're serious about going green and replacing disposable wet wipes with Bummas, you're going to need a whole lot more than ten cloths, so it would be nice if they came in larger packs that cost a bit less per cloth -- ValuPaks, if you will.

The Bottom Line
Bummas baby cloths are a great eco-friendly alternative (or complement) to disposable baby wipes. Their luxurious, plush material and cute colors put them a step above ordinary terrycloth squares, and they're packaged nicely enough to make a great baby shower gift.

Disclosure: I received a sample in order to review this product, but no monetary compensation. Unless clearly stated, the views and opinions expressed here are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review, our little ones are allergic to most wipes, anything with aloe breaks them out. I think we will be switching to these when the grandbaby arrives later this year.
