Jewelry by LuShae

Valentine's Day is getting closer, so it's that time of year when a woman's thoughts turn to.... jewelry. Yes, we love the dinners and the flowers and the candy and the cards, but there's nothing like the thrill of receiving a beautiful piece of jewelry to wear from the man you love. After all, the dinner and the candy end up on the hips, the flowers wilt and the cards get recycled -- but you can enjoy jewelry year after year! The people behind online jewelry retailer LuShae Jewelry recently invited me to choose an item from their collection to review -- what girl wouldn't say yes?! Here's what I thought of the pendant, and of their site:

The Basics
LuShae Jewelry specializes in authentic sterling silver jewelry with a wide range of precious and semi precious gemstones. They have a wide selection of earrings, pendants and rings in a variety of styles. Prices range from about $60 (sale prices) to $150.

The Bongga
There were several pieces that caught my eye, but I finally chose the Circle Journey Pendant to review, for a number of reasons:

* the five circles remind me of each of the five members of my family;
* it's a perfect match for my wedding and engagement rings, both of which are diamonds set in platinum bands;
* I had a feeling the long teardrop shape would look incredibly sexy dangling by the throat.

Online ordering was easy as pie, and to my delight, my pendant arrived less than a week after I ordered it! It arrived in a beautiful blue and white box that screamed -- no, whispered -- elegance. The pendant feels nice and solid, with a lovely silver shine that's not too bright, not too dull -- much, much more beautiful than I could have guessed from the online photo! Each of the five circles has a cubic zirconia set into it, which sparkles nicely against the sterling silver. Oh, and I was right; the pendant is the perfect way to draw attention to that feminine hollow between my collarbones. I'm so happy with this piece of jewelry and will be wearing it with pride for many, many years.

The Blah
The website does not match the quality of the jewelry, and its lack of polish and flair might turn some people off from ordering. It feels like it was designed and developed by amateurs: there's not much visual appeal, the photos don't do the real thing justice (at least that's what I thought in the case of my Circle Journey pendant, it was so much nicer than I was expecting!), there is no product search feature, and there isn't even a link to the home page! Also, I have to admit that I'm a bit confused about the branding: if the brand and site are called LuShae Designs, then why is the website URL, and why does is the "About" section headed "About Jewelry Art Designs"?

The Bottom Line
You can't tell from the website, but if the rest of the jewelry is anything like the Circle Journey pendant I received, LuShae Jewelry is definitely something any woman would want to receive for Valentine's Day, or any day.

Disclaimer: I received a sample product to review, but no monetary compensation. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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