Feeding Penny Pig review and giveaway

If you want your child to build good financial habits, it's best to start them young, and there's no better way to start than reading them a story. I recently received a copy of “Feeding Penny Pig”, by Jeannine Fox (Mimi’s Funhouse LLC, November 2009) that tells the story of a grandmother, a little girl and a very special pig.

Here's the publisher's description of the book: Laney’s grandmother Mimi gives her a very special piggy bank named Penny Pig for her birthday. Every day, Laney must do chores for her parents to earn money to feed the very hungry Penny. Because Laney loves Penny so much, she begins to love working around the house to keep her happy and full. The friendship between them teaches Laney responsibility and the value of earning and saving money.

The Bongga
I really liked reading this to my kids! In this age of consumerism and consumption and "mama can you buy me...", I think it really sends a great message about the importance of starting financial responsibility at a young age. The message is as subtle as Grandmother Mimi passing over the dolls and teddies and clothes in favor of a piggy bank for her granddaughter's present -- but I think even the youngest little kids will get it.

The Blah
I disagree with the recommended age range (ages 4-8): The basic concepts, simple language and bold illustrations make it more suitable to 4-6 year olds. I think 7 and 8 year olds would be interested in a more complex storyline and more concrete examples of saving, budgeting and earning.

The Bottom Line
Feeding Penny Pig is a great book to introduce a young child to the concept of earning and saving money.

Win It!
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive a copy of "Feeding Penny Pig". To enter, simply leave a comment on this post and share one tip you have for teaching financial responsibility to kids.

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1) Become a fan of Bonggamom Finds on Facebook (leave a comment with your FB id).

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Win a copy of "Feeding Penny Pig" from @bonggafinds and @FeedingPennyPig http://tinyurl.com/y8sp55y

Maximum of 6 entries per person. This giveaway ends at midnight PST on February 22, 2009; I will draw a winner at random on February 23 and post the winner's name as soon as the winner confirms acceptance. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of the book to review, but no monetary compensation. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


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  2. to save our bills from being shredded to pieces (!), we give our little one-year old coins instead of bills.... Saves us alot of money! :)

  3. followingyou on FB (Kamni Vijay Parikh)

  4. entered the chocolate Cheerios giveaway

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I gave my 10 and 11 year old kids an allowance and said that they had to buy their own clothes (not big stuff like jackets but definitely shirts and pants etc.). Or they could wait for a holiday and ask (Christmas, birthday). I was amazed at how careful they were to buy the 'perfect' shirt, one they wanted to wear. And they no longer cared about designer pants either.

  8. I follow FeedingPennyPig on Twitter (slmiresse)

  9. Tweeted. http://twitter.com/slmiresse/status/8693779678

  10. I entered your Chocolate Cheerios giveaway (comment 15)

  11. As soon as my son was born we opened a savings account for him so as he gets older we can show him how putting money in there adds up. He also has a piggy bank that itemizes the coins to make it fun to save change and count money. He is only 22 months old so, real lessons on saving still have to wait!

  12. I entered the I'm Up in a Tree book giveaway

  13. I follow FeedingPennyPig on Twitter under ChildrensNook.

  14. My one tip - I don't give my children money - not even for school 'book days'. My children earn reasonable amounts for extra chores and use that money to make their own purchases.

    karrine(.)hermedia at gmail

  15. I think one of the most important lessons to be learned is the one that teaches young children "delayed gratification." We live in a microwave world and I've witnessed both adults and children who have no idea what it means to wait for something you want until you can really afford it. I hope the one thing I can teach my children is to avoid credit cards.

    noggysnotes at yahoo dot com

  16. Fan of Bonggamom Finds on Facebook.

    noggysnotes at yahoo dot com

  17. Entered the Stay Put Socks review and giveaway.

    noggysnotes at yahoo dot com

  18. I also entered your $50 Safeway Gift Card giveaway.

    noggysnotes at yahoo dot com

  19. Entered the Cheerios Giveaway. Imagine Chocolate for breakfast...ummmm.

    noggysnotes at yahoo dot com

  20. My daughter is only 3, but we are teaching her about tithing and saving!

  21. Entered stay put socks giveaway!

  22. Entered chocolate cheerio giveaway!

  23. From "Mimi" (Jeannine Fox)
    I'm so glad to have so much interest in my book Feeding Penny Pig. Please visit my website at www.mimisfunhouse.com where you will find activities to do with you child that my grandchildren have loved!

  24. This giveaway has now ended. THanks to everyone who entered, and congratulations to the winner: #2, kams!

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