Qlubb.com's Busy Moms 2010 Resolution Contest (and a Giveaway!)

Is one of your 2010 Resolutions as a parent: "Be more efficient with my time"? Or "Volunteer at the Kids' School More"? Or "Be more like our Super-Type-A-Mom PTA President"? My advice to you is, Don't do it alone -- get help. Even Super-Type-A-Mom PTA Presidents need help: they' get things done because they know the right tools to help them get organizeed.

Fortunately the internet has opened up a whole new array of possibilities when it comes to communication, collaboration, organizing and delegating, and that extends to managing groups like PTA's, playgroups, scouting groups, quilting clubs and other small groups that need help managing members and resources to tasks and events. One such online tool is Qlubb.com, and they're starting the new year with a bang -- a contest to help parents get organized!

The Basics
Qlubb is an online site that helps parent-led groups organize activities, events, volunteer tasks and membership. Here's how Qlubb describes themselves:

Whether it is a playgroup, classroom parent group, sports team, family, club or hobby group, Qlubb helps parents communicate and organize activities, events and volunteers. Over 36,000 members use Qlubb each day to organize and coordinate their children’s groups ranging from PTAs to scout troops to classroom parent groups to playgroups. With integrated coordination and communication tools, Qlubb gives parent-led groups a single place to coordinate and communicate events, activities and responsibilities.

I got a chance to log onto a demo Qlubb group to check out how an organization might use Qlubb day-to-day. Here's what I thought:

The Bongga
I like how Qlubb is so simple to get up and running: it only takes 2 clicks to create a Qlubb and 1 click to join an existing Qlubb. And once you log onto your Qlubb, everything of importance is right there on your group's homepage: a list of upcoming events, list of tasks that need volunteers (just click on the links to sign up, no more paper signup sheets or multiple emails!), sorted by the tasks that need to be done first. The social networking tools (posting photos, writing on a group wall) is limited, which to me is actually a good thing. If I want to socialize, I go to Facebook, and I like the fact that Qlubb gets straight to the business of getting things done.

The Blah
Simplicity is great, of course, but as I went through the Qlubb website I was disappointed not to find the following functionality:

* search function for the Members section (imagine trying to find Martha Crouch or whoever if your list is 660 members long!)
* search function for the Files section (ditto on my example above)
* ability to import photos from Flickr or Picassa or some other photo sharing service (because the last thing you need is yet another site to upload your photos to)

The Bottom Line
Qlubb acts just like a Super-Type-A-Mom PTA President, handling all the individual reminders, all the group emails, all the signup sheets, acting as the point of contact for all members, files and signup sheets. It makes group organization and communication so much easier!

Join the Busy Moms' 2010 Resolution Contest
To help busy parents get organized this new year, Qlubb is hosting the Busy Moms' 2010 Resolution Contest. Each time an individual uses Qlubb to organize their groups or shares Qlubb via social media, that person earns an entry in the drawing for the grand prize of a $200 Oriental Trading Gift Card plus a premium Qlubb service. Both new and current users are eligible to win. Ten qlubbs with next highest entries will win their choice of a premium Qlubb service. Hurry and join, the contest ends on February 28, 2010!

Win It
Qlubb.com has generously donated a $10 Oriental Trading gift card, and one lucky Bonggamom Finds reader is going to win it!

Required entry
Tweet one New Year's Resolution to @qlubb and @bonggafinds (i.e. "@qlubb @bonggafinds My New Years Resolution this year is to exercise more!") -- Make sure you include @qlubb and @bonggafinds in your tweet. Then leave a comment on this post with a link to your tweet.

Extra entries
To gain extra entries, you can do any or all of the following, (you can only do each entra entry once; please leave a separate comment for each extra entry):

1) Become a fan of Bonggamom Finds on Facebook (leave a comment with your FB id).

2) Follow Qlubb on twitter (leave a comment with your twitter id).

3) Tweet this giveaway (leave a comment with a link to your tweet). Here is a sample tweet you can copy and paste:

Win a $10 Oriental Trading giftcard from @bonggafinds and @qlubb http://tinyurl.com/y9mlll2/

Maximum of 4 entries per person. This giveaway ends at midnight PST on February 3, 2009; I will draw a winner at random on February 4 and post the winner's name as soon as the winner confirms acceptance. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!

I did not receive a sample, free services or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. http://twitter.com/ChildrensNook/status/8027889835

  2. I follow Qlubb on twitter under Childrensnook.

  3. Thanks for your review. We are working on the photo site integration (we agree on having the ability to leverage the existing photo sites).

  4. http://twitter.com/artemis432/status/8537179935 great review

  5. http://twitter.com/happishopr/status/8558099445

    trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

  6. tweeted giveaway:

    trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

  7. http://twitter.com/ohslowdown/status/8576618657

    clarkmurdock at yahoo dot com

  8. I'm a cheerleading coach and I'm always accessories from oriental trading. This would be wonderful!! Thanks for great giveaway and great site!

  9. http://twitter.com/klp1965/status/8614064229

  10. http://twitter.com/klp1965/status/8614105729

  11. Thanks! Here is my tweet:

  12. I follow Qlubb on Twitter (smartcentsmom)

  13. I tweeted my New Year's resolution at http://twitter.com/likwan/status/8623836996.

  14. I became your Facebook fan under the name Lily Kwan/likwan.

  15. I follow Qlubb on twitter under the name likwan.
