POM Wonderful

One classic New Year's Resolution that people make is to eat healthier, but unfortunately it's the kind of resolution that's all too easy to break. One great superfood that can help you stick to your resolution is the pomegranate. I recently received several bottles of POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice to try out, which was great since Alfie and I already know and love this drink. After all the rich, oily food we stuffed ourselves with over the holidays, this juice makes a healthy, refreshing change! The Basics POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate juice contains no added sugars, preservatives, colors or filler juices; it's all juice, squeezed from "Wonderful" variety pomegranates, grown in San Joaquin, CA. The Bongga If you've never tried pomegranate juice before, you're in for a treat: it's delicious! It's sweet-tart, with a deep and complex flavor that makes you want to sip it and enjoy it slowly, like a square of dark chocolate. That's probably not a coincidence, given that dark chocolate and pomegranates are rich in antioxidants. Speaking of which, I really can't overstate the health benefits: pomegranate juice contains more antioxidants than apple juice, cranberry juice, blueberry juice, and even red wine or acai juice! BTW, my kids weren't thinking about health or cancer when they were slurping down this POM-blue shake made with blueberries, yogurt, milk and POM juice. They were just enjoying their yummy snack! (You can find the recipe for this smoothie and other pomegranate recipes on POM's website) The Blah As with most fruit juices, you need to be careful about the high sugar content: one serving of this juice (a teeny 8 oz.) contains 80 calories and 34 grams of sugar, so I wouldn't recommend guzzling tumblerfuls of POM to quench your thirst. If you want to incorporate pomegranates into your daily diet, I would consider eating POM Wonderful Fresh Pomegranates so you get the fiber as well. Another surprising (and unfortunate) side effect: drinking this juice every single day gives Alfie the runs! So figure out how much your digestive system can handle :) The Bottom Line POM Wonderful 100% pomegranate juice is a delicious way to get all the health benefits of antioxidants. Forget apples: a POM a day keeps the doctor away.

I received a sample in order to review this product, but no monetary compensation. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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