It's Not Too Late for your Flu Shots

National Influenza Vaccination Week has just ended, but the fight to prevent the flu -- and the Be A Flu Free Family campaign, a project of Families Fighting Flu (FFF) -- has just begun. The campaign's goal is to educate people about the seriousness of influenza and the importance of getting the flu vaccine, especially for children, babies, pregnant women, and caregivers of infants under six months. If you have a child who's less than enthusiastic about the prospect of getting a flu shot, you can download FFF's new coloring book, Be A Flu Free Family. It provides a young boy's perspective on the flu season, and it's a great way to talk about the flu and share the importance of the flu vaccine with your children.

Fortunately, none of my kids have a problem with injections; this year, the problem is yours truly. As you know from yesterday's post, I foolishly procrastinated on my family's flu shots until our doctors' supply of seasonal flu vaccine ran short. Until I read FFF's media advisory, I thought it was too late to bother -- but now that I know the CDC says it's not too late to get the seasonal flu vaccine, I intend to check the flu vaccine supply update on my doctors' website every week. Once new flu vaccine supplies come in, we're there!

Don't get the flu.  Don't spread the flu.  Get Vaccinated.

I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter had a doctor's appointment this past Wednesday and we asked about her having a flu shot.The doctor said they were all out of the flu vaccine and that it was really too "late" in the season .
