Zooni Mop Top Hats

One of the cutest things in the swag bag I received from the Silicon Valley Moms Blog Holiday Party was a pair of shaggy hats from Zooni children's wear. I first saw them at a local trunk sale, and fell in love with their cutie-patootie animal socks and mittens. Their specialty, however, are their one-of-a-kind, shaggy Mop Top Hats.

The Bongga
Can you say cuuuuute? The colors of this hat are gorgeous! It gets even better for younger kids. They put little ears amidst all that shagginess to make the hats look like monkeys, lions, puppies and pandas. They also have styles with little hearts or flowers or fishies.

The Blah
This is the kind of style that people either love or hate. Unfortunately, my husband falls into the latter category. He insists it's a girl's hat. I think it looks cute on my boys, but I will admit these hats are probably more suitable for younger boys. And since largest size is for 5 year olds, I think Zooni must agree with me. However, the black-and-white Hipster Mop Top scores way high on the dude points, and even boys ages 5 or 6 could wear it without fear of schoolyard taunting.

The Bottom Line
Zooni hats are street-stopping stylish, and an easy way to put some ZING into your little one's outdoor wardrobe. I wish my head were smaller so I could wear one, too!

Save now!
To get 15% off your Zooni purchase, use the coupon code LUVZOONI when you shop at Zooni's online boutique.

I received a sample in order to review this product, but no monetary compensation. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I never saw them before, they are cute, now I see why you call them mop hats.
