Wati Designs

While packing for our vacation, I told The Pea she could choose only two dresses to take along with her. When she came back with her selection, I wasn't surprised: both were made by Wati, my favorite Bay Area children's designer. One was a pink spaghetti-strap dress that I bought her a couple of years ago, and the other was a fuschia cap-sleeved dress with orange and red trim running from waistline to hem.

The Bongga
Wati's designs have the kind of visual impact that send moms scrambling to your side, demanding to know where you got your daughter's gorgeous outfit. Her colors are vibrant and her fabrics are soft and comfortable, so kids are never itchy or uncomfortable. Her style is classic and casual, with exotic undertones which reflect her Indonesian background. It's girly without being cloyingly sweet or too grownup. In fact, Wati is one of the few places I can get clothes for The Pea without her prior approval. I pretty much know that whatever I choose from Wati, she will like!

Wati was also one of the sponsors of last month's SV Moms Holiday party. She put a clothing sample in each and every blogger's swag bag! Here's what I found in mine:

It's a cute plaid swing top from one of her fall collections. Coincidentally, I had just been to one of her terrific sample sales and bought The Pea a skirt from the same collection. The Pea was so happy to have a matching skirt and shirt, and I really had to persuade her that a plaid skirt wouldn't really look that great with a swing top in the exact same color and pattern. But the shirt looks terrific with brown leggings, and the skirt looks adorable with a red tank top.

The Blah
There are really only two things about Wati's clothes that are less than ideal. The first is their fabric: the colors bleed like anything. I learned the hard way that they need to be hand-washed to remove some of that excess dye. Or should I say, Alfie learned the hard way: he was surprised to find that some of his white boxer shorts had turned pink! And I have to admit, I wish her clothes were more affordable (they're in the $30-$60 range), although given they are unique, stylish designer clothes I can't say her prices are too outrageous. I'm just cheap. Fortunately she's local to the Bay Area so whenever she has a sample sale I'm always there to buy one or two special pieces for The Pea.

The Bottom Line
Wati's designs for girls are fresh and fun, stylish yet age appropriate. You may not be able to afford a whole Wati wardrobe but you won't regret splurging on one or two special items that make your little girl look like the one-of-a-kind kid she is!

I received a Wati sample in my SV Moms Holiday party swag bag but was not asked or obligated to review the product. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


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