Vicks ComfortFlex Thermometer

We are a Vicks family. As a doctor, my dad's first line of defense against chest congestion was never medicines, but a good, thorough rubbing of Vicks Vaporub on our chest and back. My mother uses Vicks Vaporub to cure all her ailments from chest colds to mosquito bites. Even my extended family is into Vicks; all my dad's siblings love it, and when her nose is stuffy, my aunt snorts that Vicks Vapor Inhaler tube like it's crack or something.

With Vicks rubbed (like that pun?) into my childhood, it's no surprise that when I became a parent and had to buy thermometers, I went to the drugstore and grabbed the most familiar brand on the shelves: Vicks. Our Vicks thermometers have stood up to 3 kids, 8 years and countless fevers. I'd be happy to keep using it till the battery runs out, but Vicks recently sent me a sample of their latest and greatest thermometer, the Vicks ComfortFlex -- so our old Vicks thermometer has been relegated to backup thermometer and this new Vicks ComfortFlex is taking center stage.

The Basics
Vicks ComfortFlex thermometer is a digital thermometer that reads temperatures in about 8-12 seconds. It has a large, backlit color-coded display. It's also flexible and waterproof, and comes with a storage case.

Old Vicks thermometer versus New Vicks thermometer. Sorry, Old VT, you've served us well but it's time to retire.

The Bongga
I love the lightning-fast temperature reading -- no more squirming and squiggling for the kids while waiting for the thermometer to beep! And the backlit display is so easy to read -- no more squinting for the adults! The color-coded display feature (the backlight LCD is green when the temperature reading is between 97 and 98.8F, yellow between 99 and 100.9F, and red for 101F and above) is a nice bonus, especially for new parents who don't know whether to smile in relief or freak out when they read the temperature numbers (having said that, Alfie found this feature absolutely useless, since he's color blind!).

The Blah
The readings only seem to show in Fahrenheit, not Celsius. Most people in the US are used to Fahrenheit, but I'm thinking of my relatives in the Philippines and Europe, who would love to get their hands on this thermometer but would prefer to read temperature in Celsius. Hopefully Vicks has an international version of this temperature?

The Bottom Line
The Vicks ComfortFlex thermometer makes temperature reading super easy -- if only the fever were just as quick and painless!

I received a sample in order to review this product, but no monetary compensation. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. It actually does go to Celcious although I have no idea how. I have used mine for my daughter for the past three days and all of a sudden, I went to use it and it was in Celsius. I have no idea how that happened and I cannot figure out how to get it back to Fahrenheit.

  2. We were looking for the same info, except we wanted to switch it back to Celsius...finally found this:

  3. The Temple Touch Thermometer is easy to use and gives you a result in less than 10 seconds. It has a memory feature to recall recent temperatures taken, as well as a timer to help you remember when to give the next dose of medicine.

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  4. Ditto - had celcius and it switched to F, the link is perfect and were able to switch it back! Thank you :)

  5. Thank-you for that link - worked perfectly - we're back to Celsius!
