Today is Free Shipping Day!

Today is the last day to order online and get your presents delivered in time for Christmas! Fortunately (and maybe not so coincidentally) today is also Free Shipping Day, when over 700 merchants try to convince you to buy stuff from them by dangling the shiny carrot of free shipping in your face. Not that I'm complaining -- I'm a sucker for free shipping so if you have some last minute holiday shopping to do, it's a Godsend! In fact, I did a quick run-through of some of the products and sites I've blogged about this year, and found several that are offering Free Shipping today (note: I'm assuming this promo is only good for today, and there may be some restrictions and exclusions so you'll have to check the site out yourself):

* Tiny Prints

* Bella Sara

* and other CSN Stores

I'll keep updating this post if I see any other free shipping deals for today. Happy procrastination shopping!

I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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