Win one of Twelve Disaster Survival Kits

Last week I attended a blogger talk given by California Volunteers, the lead oversight agency for the California Citizen Corps Program, which was created post 9/11 to coordinate volunteer activities to make our communities safer, stronger and better prepared to respond to any emergency. They talked to us about ways we could prepare ourselves and our families for a disaster.

We took away some useful information, practical tips -- and two disaster kits for our car and home. The kits are filled with supplies such as water, flashlights and other things that can help you in a disaster. It's kind of a weird thing to feature on a review blog, because I hope I never ever have to use it. But I can say without a doubt that a disaster kit is something you want to have.

Win It!
California Volunteers has given me 12 disaster kits like the one above (see the contents of each kit on my Finding Bonggamom disaster kit post) to give out to 12 readers. To enter, simply leave a comment here and tell me one thing your family needs to do to prepare for a disaster.

For extra entries, you can either or both of the following, (you can only do each entra entry once; please leave a separate comment for each extra entry):

1) Head over to my disaster kit post on Finding Bonggamom and leave a comment there, telling me which of the things in the disaster kit you think would be most useful to you.

2) Tweet this giveaway (leave a comment with a link to your tweet). Here is a sample tweet you can copy and paste:

Win a Disaster Survival Kit from @bonggafinds and @calvolunteers -- 12 winners! Ends 11/30

Maximum of three entries per person. Maximum of one prize per person. This giveaway ends at midnight PST on November 30, 2009; I will draw 12 winners at random and post their names on the comments section as soon as the winners confirm prize acceptance. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck and stay prepared!

I received a free lunch and sample disaster kit courtesy of California Volunteers. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. One thing we need to do to prepare is to STAY CALM!!! :)

  2. I think the First Aid Kit is the most useful item in there.

  3. I think my family needs to re-start the process. We did a plan years ago with far-flung relatives; exchanging phone numbers, designating a main check point, etc., but haven't followed up on it in years.

    And I would love to win a kit so I can be prepared in the car!

  4. one thing we need to do is make a plan. we had a plan when we lived in a different city. now, we don't know our neighbors and i'm not exactly sure what to tell the kids they should do in an emergency. we need to figure this out...


  5. i left a comment on finding bonggamom...


  6. We need to sit down and discuss what our options would be for different disasters. Make a plan and post it on the bulletin board and do a drill once in awhile to get everyone up to date
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  7. Commented on Finding Bonggamom
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  8. tweet
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  9. The thing we need to do to plan for an emergency is to make sure all smoke detector batteries are still working,letting everyone know what to do in case of emergency and we really need to get one of those ladders you hang on the window to climb down in case of a fire. I keep saying that and yet we don't have one. Thank you!

  10. I left a comment on your review for what is the most important item.

  11. I tweeted

  12. making sure everyone has all the important contact phone numbers, insurance info etc

  13. Best thing is for my family to develop a disaster plan.

  14. I tweeted about this giveaway

  15. I posted a comment on your disaster kit post on Finding Bonggamom about which of the things in the disaster kit I think would be most useful.

  16. My family needs to make a disaster plan.. we haven't done that, need to..
    thanks for the chance
    itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com

  17. The Flashlight radio is a fantastic thing to have in the kit. I like that is can be handcranked to work.
    Thanks for the chance
    itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com

  18. I follow on twitter and I tweeted

  19. The foil blanket is a must need.

  20. We are so unprepared as a family that it's insane. Considering a few years ago we were stranded in a snowstorm and stuck in our car for two days - It was AWFUL! - you would think we were more prepared! Right now the most preparation we do is take food to store on road trips. We particularly need to get all of our important documents in one location so if we have to go we can go, go, go!

  21. I commented on your Emergency kit post "The hand crank radio is a definite must have. Being stranded without contact to anyone in the outside world and no knowledge of what is going on around us would be awful!"

    amysweepstake at

  22. I tweeted you!

    amysweepstake at

  23. we need to check our supply list and make sure we have enough supplies to last several weeks

  24. left comment on disaster post about flashlight and batteries

  25. following on twitter and tweeted

  26. One thing that we have to make sure we have packed is bottled water and pack enough supplies,a flashlight and batteries.

  27. Left a comment on disaster kit post on Finding Bonggamom

  28. follow and a tweet

  29. We need to make sure we have a planned place to stay if disaster strikes. We also need to make sure we are stocked up on diapers and snacks.

  30. I tweeted.

  31. We need to stash some emergency cash. When the big blackout hit in NY a few years ago we were stuck without cash and ATM's and credit cards didn't work

  32. I can think of a few things, but one thing is to stock up on more water... and perhaps more shelf ready or dried foods.

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  33. I left a comment on your post!

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

    and I think it is a GREAT idea to make people more aware of emergencies and the possibility something could happen, and to at least have the basic essentials to prepare for it.

  34. tweeted

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  35. one thing we need to do is get everything in one place
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

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