Make Jammy a WinARRRR!

Hello dear readers! I've just entered J&O Fabrics' Halloween contest for best homemade costume. I've entered Jammy's homemade pirate costume because it's authentic looking, cute, and -- most important for the lazy or non crafty folk out there, which is, like, 99% of everyone -- it is SOO easy to make. Please vote for Jammy and send the message that ANYONE can create a great homemade costume!

Click here to get to the poll and vote. If the link doesn't work, you can copy and paste this code:

The entry with the most votes by Oct. 31 will win! To vote for Jammy, head on over to the poll at the address above and click on letter L (Pirate). Thanks for your support!

I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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