Happy HallowGreen!

A couple of weeks ago I posted some tips for Going Green this Halloween, but since it's Halloween today I thought it would be worth sharing them again:

1) Green the goodies: Think of all the candy wrappers that one little goblin throws in the trash – then multiply that number by the millions of trick-or-treaters who are happily gobbling up their stash. Offer organic apples from the farmers market or buy treats in bulk to minimize packaging waste.

2) Come up with a new costume: Skip the racks of colorful costumes at the mall (most of them are made of non-renewable materials like plastic) and come up with a creative idea for a homemade costume. Add a bandana to a pair of jeans and a denim shirt for an instant cowboy costume or put on your wedding dress and go as the Bride of Frankenstein. Or, host a costume swap with the neighbors. The costumes their kids have outgrown might be the perfect fit for your little one.

Here's my family's contribution towards the HallowGreen effort: all three costumes were made from old clothes and toys that were lying around the house.

In my family, a single wig goes a long, long way. How's that for reducing and reusing?

3) Choose natural decorations: Bails of straw, colorful mums and a handful of gourds are great seasonal decorations that can be composted on November 1st. If scary witches hanging from the oak tree and plastic pumpkins on the front step are a must-have, scour secondhand stores.

The author of these tips, Jodi Helmer, also has a great book that offers eco-friendly lifestyle tips for Halloween and every other day of the year: The Green Year: 365 Small Things You Can Do to Make a Big Difference (from Alpha Books). I'm really enjoying reading through my review copy and I'll be posting a review about it soon.

Have a safe, happy and green Halloween!

I did not receive a sample in order to review this product, but no monetary compensation. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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