List your giveaways here!

For some time now I've been toying with the idea of doing a giveaway roundup post where bloggers can leave links to their giveaways, like MomDot or Reviews and, or Mission Mommy. As a giveaway blogger, I've found it's a great way to get more traffic to my giveaways. And as a person who loves entering giveaways, I've found it's a great way to find out where all the best giveaways are!

The two main reasons I've never done it are, (1) I was too lazy to set up Mr. Linky's widgets; and (2) I'm afraid no one will leave any links. I finally kicked my lazy, insecure self into gear and decided to just do it. So I'm starting up a giveaway roundup, which I'll run every Friday. Why Friday? Because your work is done and you don't need to feel guilty about kicking back and surfing the internet for all kinds of cool giveaways to join.

So here it is, my first Mr. Linky. Feel free to leave links to your giveaways, everyone. And don't forget to get cracking and enter all those giveaways!


  1. Thanks for coming by my blog and letting me know about your link up!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the Link Up. I love your blog and will be back. I took your button and it's now on my blog roll. I subscribed via email and reader. I favored your blog on technorati. Keep up the good work.
    Visit mine anytime. Thanks again and have a great day!

  4. Thanks for the new giveaway Linky! <3

  5. Thanks for the linky, I have one up each Wednesday, feel free to list there!

  6. Thanks for the linky. I will be using it very soon.

  7. Here is a giveaway that I am involved in.
