Cats, Dogs, Hamsters -- whatever you call-em, the Tasty Baker makes'em

When I host a themed party, I can get pretty anal about taking it all the way and making sure the theme is reflected in every aspect of the party. So at this weekend's hamster party, I had to think long and hard about what to serve the kids to eat. I thought Ham(ster) sandwiches would be clever (even if the younger kids didn't appreciate my wit, they appreciated the sandwiches!), and we found that Captain Crunch cereal looks just like (but fortunately tastes better than) hamster kibble. But I have no idea what hamsters eat for dessert.

Lucky for me, the 5-in-1 Tasty Baker came to the rescue. No, it doesn't have a hamster mold, but the dog mold was pretty close. I poured brownie batter into the dog mold, told the kids they were hamsters, and the kids loved it! The Tasty Baker also has train, heart, cat smiley face, birthday cake and alphabet block molds, which give you dessert options for a multitude of themed parties -- Baby's First Birthday, Valentine's, Thomas the Tank Engine, halloween, pinky kitty, etc...

Of course, it does take a while to prepare if you only want that one design (which is why I wish the Tasty Baker had removable mold plates and the option of purchasing extra molds so I could make seven of one style). But the kids were only too happy to have me pour batter into all the molds, save the dog-hamster ones for the party, and eat the rest.

I received a product sample in order to review the product and write this post, but no monetary compensation. The view and opinions expressed here are my own.

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