Win a box of crickets.... To Eat!

Today's giveaway is.... well.... to put it bluntly, Bizarre. But then again, we're celebrating the penultimate episode of Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre Foods on the Travel Channel. Tomorrow he's traveling to Puerto Rico, which is not only the home to merengue -- the dance, not the whipped eggwhite concoction -- and chorizo, it's also the home of some pretty bizarre foods. Then for the season ender, Andrew is going to be dropped in the jungles of Mexico where he lives off the land, Survivor-style. Sounds like a delicious way to end the season!

Hmm... I wonder if those Mexican jungles are going to be crawling with bugs like these. See, for brave souls like Andrew, these crickets aren't just things you swat with your hand and brush away. They're something to dunk into your morning coffee (or blood smoothie, or whatever).

For those of you who don't have a plane ticket to GMJ (code for Godforsaken Mexican Jungle), these crickets actually come in a nice convenient box, perfect to pack in your purse for when you get the munchies.

Yes, today we're giving away a box of edible crickets, courtesy of Bizarre Foods, to a lucky Bonggamom Finds reader! See the , um, joy and, er, excitement on my face as I prepare to enjoy this delicacy? You can experience that too!

Seriously, take your cue from Andrew Zimmern and live a little! It's a bit like bungee-jumping off a culinary cliff, and once you've tried it, you'll be proud of yourself. And they don't taste too bad, either. See, here's finicky old Bonggamom taking the plunge. My kids tried the crickets as well -- click here to see more photos of them enjoying their crunchy snack. And if you think it's all staged, watch the video:

Sounds yummy? To enter, simply leave a comment and tell me which bizarre food you'd like to see Andrew eat for the next season of Bizarre Foods. Use your imagination, go wild! I'll bet you Andrew will try it. Don't forget to leave your email address so we can contact you.

For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following:
1) Go to the Bizarre Foods episode guide and tell me which countries Andrew has visited this season. NO DUPLICATES -- once someone has listed a country, no-one else can use it. There are only 10 countries, so only the first 10 unique comments get this extra entry!
2) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger(leave a comment with your Blogger profile name).
3) Follow Bizarre Foods on Twitter (leave a comment with your twitter id).
4) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Twitter AND tweet about this giveaway (leave a comment with the link to your tweet). Here's a tweet you can copy and paste:

Win edible crickets from @bonggafinds and @bizarrefoods!

Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry (don't list down all your extra entries in 1 comment!) . This giveaway ends at midnight PST on June 22, 2009.; I will draw a winner at random on June 23 and post their names on the same day. For additional giveaway rules, click here.

Good luck! And to the winner, before you pop these crickets into your mouth, I recommend watching one of Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre Foods episodes. After you watch him eat llama brain, teriyaki cockroaches and live worms, a little old cricket will taste just like Cheetos.


  1. think he's tried just about everything....has he done lutefisk?

  2. following bizarre foods on twitter


  4. hmm there is not much else to try- maybe a pigs eye or who knows

  5. this would totally top our "new for us friday" that I'm doing this summer w/ my kids. I wonder how they'd go over. . . Super fun giveaway!!

  6. Okie Dokie this is a pretty bizarre giveaway!
    I would like to see him try: something wormy...ewwww...

  7. Too Funny! My kids love the edible scary foods. On xmas day we usually have a huge game of bingo and we began giving the crickets as prizes. They were a huge hit! I try to always have them on hand. They are always fun to add to the plate while having dinner guests:)

  8. Has he eaten kudzu wrapped opposum??


  9. This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered, and congratulations to the winner, valerie2350!
