BIC Soleil Bella review and giveaway

Hurrah, summer break starts next week! We're planning a lot of trips to the pool this year. 3Po and Jammy can finally swim on their own, so they can splash and play without Alfie or me having to be within arm's reach. I'm looking forward to relaxing by the poolside and showing off my hot bod.

Okay, the hot bod part was an exaggeration, but it's all in the attitude -- with the right swimsuit, bright-red toenails and a pair of silky-smooth legs, any woman can be a hot babe. The silky-smooth legs can be a drag, but fortunately recently sent me a great new product to try -- the BIC Soleil Bella razor. It's the latest razor in BIC's Soleil line , with four flexible blades, advanced pivoting head, moisturizing strip, and convenience of a disposable.

After trying out the BIC Soleil Bella razor, I'm happy to say it's a great product! With the 4 blades, it didn't take long to get my legs to feel as smooth as a baby's bottom. I didn't think the Flex-and-Pivot technology seemed any different from my old razor, but I will say the razor was really easy to rinse off. Also, at $6 for a pack of 3, this is one razor that won't cut into your budget -- and with the coupon I'm offering, you can try BIC Soleil Bella for 50% off. That's right, I have 5 coupons for $3.00 off a BIC Soleil Bella 3-pack, and I'll mail them to the first 5 people to leave a comment on this post.

And now, a giveaway! Would you like the chance to win one of 25 $100 Amazon gift certificates or the grand prize of $1,000 gift certificate? Or if personal gain isn't your style, how about the opportunity to donate to a worthy charity? All you have to do is fill out a short survey about the BIC Soleil Bella review post you read here on Finding Bonggamom. Here's how to enter:

1) Visit and enter this conversation ID:

101 - 242 - 499873

2) Answer some easy survey questions. Then choose either a donation to charity, or the chance to win gift certificates worth $100 or $1,000. It's that simple!

Click here to see the sweepstakes rules, and click here to read more about the charity organizations you could be helping.


  1. i'm always open to trying a new razor--it doesn't seem to be something that you have to have a lifelong commitment to!


  2. Thanks for the review. I would love to give this razor a try. I've not had the pleasure of using a 4 bladed razor, but the BIC Soleil Bella razor sounds like it would be a dream. I need to get my gams into smooth city for the summer!

  3. I just did the survey and would be thrilled to have the coupon.
