Giveaway Carnival

I love giveaways! I love hosting them, tweeting them, joining them. I think it's so cool that companies care enough about what bloggers think to partner with them in order to get the word about about great products and services. It's a win-win for everyone: the companies that get more exposure, the bloggers who get more traffic to their sites, and readers who get a chance to win great products. Did I mention I love giveaways?

One of the best ways to promote giveaways is to join bloggy carnivals, and one of the best carnivals around was the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival. Sadly, that site cancelled its carnival -- but fortunately, Mom Most Traveled has taken it up. She's hosting her first Giveaway Carnival this week, and already there are over 100 giveaway listings. Head on over to see what great prizes are up for grabs this week!

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