Get more Me Time with new Frigidaire Appliances

With Mother's Day fast approaching, the kids are full of questions and secrets: What are we doing for Mother's Day? What do you want for Mother's Day? I've got a present but I can't tell you what it is. What I really want is what most mothers want -- some time to myself. Preferrably at a nice spa, but the key word is TIME. Time free of the boring stuff -- laundry, washing up, cleaning.

Luckily, there's a company out there who understands a mom's desire to spend less time doing routine housework and more time doing what we love. Frigidaire, the appliance brand known for their legendary reliability, is unveiling 250 new appliances designed with specific time-saving features to free up some "me time".

So what would you do with some free time? Visit to share the five things that you would do with an extra hour in your day for a chance to win an entire suite of the new time-saving Frigidaire appliances.

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