Florastor Kids review and giveaway

I'm shameless when it comes to blogging. I honestly think I could blog about anything; I don't mind embarrassing myself but I refrain from sharing embarrassing stories involving my husband and kids and friends and family (unless they let me). Take my kids' bowel movements. I could blog about how my kids are "champions" when it comes to holding it in. I could blog about constipation and clogged toilets -- boy, have I got some horror stories! -- but the shame of it might put them into therapy for years.

I'd much rather blog about how easy it is to fix that, uh, tough, problem with probiotics. When one of my kids is feeling, shall we say, clogged up, probiotic yogurts like Activia work like a charm, but I've often wished there was something other than yogurt that would have the same effect.

I recently found out about a probiotic supplement made just for kids -- Florastor Kids. It's a powder (to be precise, it's a probiotic made of live freeze-dried yeast cells that look like a powder) that you can add to your child's applesauce, milk, juice, or just about any food. Since it's natural and doesn't harm your intestines, it can be taken for more than 2 days to promote intestinal health and regular bowel movements. It can be stored without refrigeration so it's great to take with you when you're traveling to another country. And it's safe for children as young as 2 months of age! MomSelect and Florastor were kind enough to provide me with a sample of Florastor Kids for my kids; they sprinkled a bit on their tongue and said they liked the fruity taste. It doesn't spoil the flavor of whatever you add it to; in fact my kids said the taste of their applesauce didn't change at all. And it works -- so I don't have to blog about any embarrassing toilet stories!

Would you like to try Florastor Kids? MomSelect is providing one lucky winner with a box of Florastor Kids. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post and tell me what works best for your child when he or she has a tummyache. This must be completed for any extra entries to count.

For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following:
1) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger(leave a comment with your Blogger profile name).
2) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Twitter AND Tweet about this giveaway (leave a commment with a link to your tweet). Here's a tweet you can copy and paste:

Florastor Kids giveaway from @bonggafinds enter now at http://www.bonggafinds.com/

Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry (don't list down all your extra entries in 1 comment!) . This giveaway ends at midnight PST on June 4, 2009; I will draw a winner at random on June 5 and post their names on the same day. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!


  1. I'm fortunate in that my two young daughters (6 & 3) don't get tummy aches.
    However that can't be said for my 3yo granddaughter. She has problems every couple of days. My daughter has given her suppositories but that doesn't fix the problem.
    This product sounds like the perfect solution for her.

  2. http://twitter.com/valerie2350/status/1878200890

  3. i have been using children's tums for their tummy aches. i like that they get added calcium.


  4. i follow bonggamom finds on blogger.


  5. My 6 yr old is the best eater and the one who gets tummy aches. We joke that his poops look like adult poops instead of kids' so- as gross as it sounds- we have him go sit and "try to go".

  6. This giveaway has ended. Thanks to all who entered, and congratulations to the winner, melanie!
