And the winner of the Leapfrog giveaway is...

... MJ! Congratulations, you've won the LeapFrog Tag Reading System with 5 (count'em, five!) books for you-- plus an expanded-memory LeapFrog Tag Reading System, with 10 books to donate to your local library.

I don't usually do this, but it was an amazing giveaway, one of my most popular ever, so I'd like to thank Leapfrog for sponsoring the giveaway as well as each and every one of you for entering and spreading the word. As of April 1, 11:39 AM, there are a total of 1,269,125 reading hours pledged on the Leapfrog Reading site -- and the number is still growing! Way to go, everyone, your kids will thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo!! Thanks a million! My kindergarten kids will love this!
