Yanni returns

Remember Yanni? He of the flowing hair, the mustache, the haunting music, and Linda Evans? Oh come on, admit you love him. Well, he's back and better than ever. His hair isn't flowing anymore but I think he looks way sexier with his shorter hair and stubble (I'm a sucker for stubble).

But his looks aren't the only thing new about Yanni -- his latest music actually has vocals in it. He's teamed up with four young vocalists -- think of voices as pure as Andrea Bocelli, Josh Groban or Sarah Brightman -- in his latest cd, Yanni Voices, and 2009 tour Yanni Voices Live in Concert. Want to check out Yanni's latest work? His Acapulco concert airs on PBS tonight, March 2 -- check your local stations for times. (thanks to One2OneNetwork for the info!).


  1. I used to listen to yanni all the time LOL, people would look at me all crazy in the car - oh well- I like it!

  2. Yanni Voices are wonderful! I had the honor to hear them and meet them at Blissdom09

    Rachel Ferrucci

