Ultimate Blog Party, Ultimate Giveaways!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

It's that time of year again.... Janice and Susan from 5 Minutes for Mom are hosting the mom blogging event of the year, the Ultimate Blog Party 2009! It runs all week, from March 20-27 all over: the blogosphere, Facebook, Twitter (use hashtag #ubp09), and three Real Live Parties in NY, LA and Nashville. Last year there were over 1,500 blogs on the Mr. Linky, so it's a great way to discover some great blogs and get your own blog noticed. I'm so excited to be partying with all the great mombloggers this week (click here to read my party post)!

Oh, did I mention prizes? Yes, there are prizes to be won! There are sooo many prizes -- over 275 at this point -- that you're sure to find at least a dozen that you really, REEEELLY want. However, Do Not, I repeat, DO NOT indicate any interest in the following 3 prizes:

1) A pair of ChicBud earphones with Swarovski crystals, courtesy of The IE Mommy (#15);

2) A $50 gift certificate for Paperlicious products, courtesy of Paperlicious (#50);

3) A custom blog makeover from Southern Girl Blog Design, courtesy of Southern Girl Blog Design (#INT33).

Not that they're my top 3 favorite Ultimate Blog Party prizes or anything, oh no. These prizes actually suck big time and it's not like I want to win them or anything (pleasepleaseplease God let me win them....). Why would you even look at those prizes when you have so many other great prizes, like these:

* A $50 Target gift certificate -- I counted three! (#19, 21, 22)
* A $30 Target gift certificate (#26)
* A $30 Amazon gift certificate (#61)
* A $25 Target gift certificate (#91, #USC56)
* A $25 Amazon gift certificate (#USC47)
* A $25 Old Navy gift certificate (#118)
* A $25 Amazon gift certificate (#USC15)
* More chic blog makeovers (#INT23, #INT28, #INT35, #INT36)
* A Big Combo Pack of Mabels Labels (#USC10)
* Mommy Cards (#INT65, #USC63)

Uh, on second thought, Do Not, I repeat, DO NOT indicate any interest in those prizes either (I wantwantwantwantwant 'em!). Why don't you enter to win this cool prize instead? Today, to celebrate the Ultimate Blog Party, I'm giving away a family game that you can play with your cat: it's called CatFeats , and it's a fun way to discover what motivates Kitty to perform (retail value $19.99).

To enter, just leave a comment on this post with your email address, introduce yourself, leave a link to your own blog so I can go over and comment on your blog-- after all, the Ultimate Blog Party is all about finding new blogs and new bloggy friends, right?

For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following:
1) Comment on my Ultimate Blog Post on Finding Bonggamom (leave a comment here saying you commented over there).
2) Follow Bonggamom(bonggamom)on Twitter (leave a comment with your twitter id).
3) Follow Bonggamom Finds (bonggafinds) on Twitter (leave a comment with your twitter id).
4) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (leave a comment with your Blogger profile name).
5) Tweet about this giveaway (leave a commment with a link to your tweet).
6) Blog about this giveaway (leave a comment with a link to your blog post).
7) Subscribe to Bonggamom Finds (leave a comment with your Blogger profile name).

For each extra entry, please leave a separate comment (don't list down all your extra entries in 1 comment!) . This giveaway ends at midnight PST on March 27, 2009.; I will draw a winner at random on March 28 and post the winner's name on the same day. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck to everyone and party on!


  1. Nice to find your blog! Joanna at Southern Girl Blog Designs is redesigning my business blog- I'll cross my fingers that you win that- she is great!

  2. Oh my goodness you are a busy lady! Still party hopping here. hehe. Stop by for a visit.

  3. Checking out other partiers! Hope you win some good prizes and I love the blog--I'll be back.

  4. Happy UBP! :)
    Hope you have a fabulous day!
    (and yes, I am training to be a crazy cat lady when I'm old)


  5. https://twitter.com/valerie2350/status/1379273394

  6. Hello, my name is Michelle. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I enjoy your blog, found it recently. I don't have a blog, just really enjoy reading others!


  7. I follow Bonggamom on twitter...yzgirl4


  8. Following bonggamom Finds on twitter...yzgirl4


  9. I also follow Bonggamom Finds on blogger...yzgirl4


  10. I subscribe to bonggamom finds...yzgirl4


  11. I commented on ultimate blog post on finding bonggamom



  12. Hi there! Found you through Twitter, believe it or not. :) Stopping by on my UBP09 party rounds and loved your blog. Adding you to my Twitter and RSS!

    Feel free to stop by my blog. I have pudding.

  13. Yay another deal finder! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog to say hi I so appreciate it!

  14. I do not have a blog site, but enjoyed visiting your site.

    Mary from SC

  15. Hi, I've only been blogging about 6 weeks but I really enjoy it. I don't have a 'theme', just write what I want.

    I think the cat game sounds really fun and I'd love to see if my Buddy would play.

  16. This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered, and congratulations to the winner, yzgirl4!
