Who won the Turbo Tooth Tunes?

And the winner of the Turbo Tooth Tunes. giveaway is comment #2, cpullum. Congratulations! I'll be contacting you soon for your mailing address. Remember, please respond within 5 days or I'll be forced to draw another winner.....

If you didn't win, don't worry. I still have 3 (count'em, three!) open giveaways:

* The Rabbit and The Snowman book giveaway, ends Dec. 8
* Trendy Bebe album giveaway, ends Dec. 9
* Play-Doh Magic Swirl playset giveaway, ends Dec. 12

Your chances of winning are GREAT at this point, and all you have to do to enter is leave a comment -- so head on over and join!

1 comment:

  1. Wow yeah!!!
    Thanks!! waiting for the email once I get it I will respond!!
