Shoe bag giveaway

My latest giveaway is a pair of shoe bags from Real Simple. They are great for organizing and protecting your shoes, but they are so chic, you may not want to use them as shoe bags:

You could slip in a bottle of wine and take it as a hostess present for one of the million holiday parties you're going to be attending, you party animal, you.

You could use it to keep items of a, uh, personal nature that you don't want your toddler fishing out of your voluminous tote bag and holding up for all the world to see ("Uh, honey, let's put mommy's birth control pills and tampon back into mommy's bag....")

You could use it to pack a sandwich lunch when you're feeling virtuous/eco-chic/thrifty/all of the above.

You could use it to store purses, camera lenses, binoculars, and anything else you don't want gathering dust.

See? The possibilities are simple, but endless. Here's how to win:

* Leave a comment on this post -- in your comment, share your favorite organizing tip. Don't forget to include your email address so I can contact you.

* For an extra entry, blog about this giveaway on your own blog and include a link to this post. Leave an extra comment with your name, email address and a link to your blog.

I'll draw a winner at random on December 22, 2008. For the full giveaway rules, click here.


  1. You know all those coffee mugs that you get for the holidays...use them as a candy dish, pencil/pen holder, rubber band holder or key holders etc...


  2. I try to keep all paperwork filed in a filing cabinet, labeled as to what it is. This includes receipts, cancelled checks, recipes, etc.

  3. I blogged the contest here:

  4. I subscribe via Yahoo Reader

  5. I make sure I go through all our closets once a season. If we did'nt wear smething a single time during the season, it goes into the charity donation bag. Helps keep down the clutter!
    linjenals at yahoo dot com

  6. I use an address book to store all my passwords. For example, under G is Google and my login and password. I know it is not the most secure but it seems to work for me and who is going to steal an address book?!?

  7. I use an over-the-door shoe bag in our pantry (over the door, lol) for those "little" things that always seem to get lost - taco seasoning, yeast, boxes of jello, etc...

    I also have one on the back of my closet door for craft supplies (ribbon, thread, buttons, etc...)


  8. To organize my school stuff I have binders color coded and my textbooks are color coded labels with the post it notes. For my sons socks and such I used ziploc bags from the dollar tree and use a permenant marker to label them and it saves up on space in the dresser and in his suitcase

  9. Always let go...give away the stuff you dont need!


  10. I have blogged this


    dominican757 at gmail dot com

  11. I use tons of storage totes. My hall clset was a mess with all the meds, deoderants, perfumes, etc. I got 4 totes and seperated them into different catagories, and since then Im hooked lol, I use totes for everything!

  12. I use decorated boxes for everything - including putting my cologne in one. I store all my Christmas socks, pins, scarves in one box, my make up supplies like extra sponges, etc in another.

  13. i struggle with organizing things :P i guess just trying to stay neat and clean is the way i stay organized. thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Hello! I print out labels for the container in our pantry, so we know what is in them! Thanks, Cindi

  15. tip - stay on top of it...when things pile up it becomes a huge ordeal

  16. blogged it

  17. I am the baggie queen. I keep everything sorted in ziploc baggies, even my makeup (sorted by type). Love that you can see everything, and that the small items you need to keep control of don't escape. :)

  18. As a mother of 4, baby wipes boxes are the best thing since sliced bread! And they can be used to organize and store a wide assortment of items. If you have free time on your hands, they can be repainted and decorated and they are totally stackable!

  19. These sound great! I can think of a ton of uses for a pretty bag!

    Kristalsblog at yahoo dot com

  20. This one is up on my giveaway sidebar:

    kristalsblog at yahoo dot com

  21. With three kids and a husband, gloves and mittens are always getting lost in a nook or cranny. I put them all, including hats into a clear storage bin, without the lid in the closet by the door. Its easy to access and find them and when winter season is over, I just put the lid on and its ready for storage for the next winter.

  22. I have drawers for everything. Incoming mail, coupons, and remember those cute huggies boxes...yes now I save cards and photos in them.

  23. I make lists, also another favorite- The Container Store rocks for organization!
    ashlomb at yahoo dot com

  24. I have storage totes and added some of those portfolios and I keep all my papers together in labeled folders. Thank you so much!

  25. I try to label almost everything that I organize. Due to space I use a lot of those plastic storage carts for clothes, toys, and even paperwork!

  26. We blogged here:

  27. i keep all my bills in a folder according to their due date.


  28. Different colored bins so my daughter can organize her own toys.

  29. I do the once a year for me- if its not worn- donate- and also do the same with stuff around the house- donate books, appliances- it may be a want- but if I am not gonna use it someone else mught as well get use out of it mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. For filing we make a folder for each month and throw things in there. Then at year end/tax time is much easier to sort.
