The Rabbit and The Snowman -- book giveaway

Now that December is here, all kinds of snowman books are coming out of the woodwork. The Rabbit and The Snowman, written and illustrated (beautifully illustrated, I should add) by Sally O. Lee, is just the kind of book you want to be reading your kids this season. It's about -- surprise, surprise -- a rabbit and a snowman, two loving, insecure creatures who find each other, lose each other, and find each other again. It's a great testament to the enduring power of friendship.

Now you can win a copy of this book for your very own! I'm giving away a signed copy of The Rabbit and The Snowman to one reader. Here's how to enter:

* Leave a comment on this post -- don't forget to include your email address so I can contact you.

* For an extra entry, blog about this giveaway on your own blog and include a link to this post. Leave an extra comment with your name, email address and a link to your blog.

I'll draw a winner at random on December 8, 2008. For the full giveaway rules, click here.


  1. My daughter would love this book. please count us in!


  2. I'm grown and I would love this book. However if I win I would present it to my niece who loves snowmen as much as I do.

    Thank you,

  3. Looks like a cute book


  4. What fun! My fave sort of giveaway - a readable prize. (sigh) I do miss home. I don't think anyone here in AZ actually knows how to read... my kids are now too sheltered. Give me Bay Area mayhem!

  5. My grandson would love this book.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. This sounds like an adorable book. My little book worm would love to read it. Thanks for the chance to enter.

  7. Looks cute. I love children's books.

  8. My daughter loves bunnies! Plus we make our share of snowmen in Wisconsin. Looks like a really cute book and would love to win it. Wish I would have found the contest earlier. Would have posted on my blog. Let me know if you have any more children's book giveaways!

  9. We love holiday books in our house- this looks really cute. Thanks!
    linjenals at yahoo dot com

  10. This looks like a cute book. Please enter me in your draw!

  11. My son would love book! Thanks for the entry.

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