Jump in the Jumpy House -- a giveaway

3Po and Jammy are celebrating their 5th birthday next week at Pump It Up, Jr. Unfortunately, I can't invite you all to their party, because, well, I don't know you personally (and don't take that personally, I still love you). Besides, 26 hyperactive kids bouncing off the walls is already more than I can handle.

However, I'm still including you in their birthday fun -- I'm sending someone home with a special party goody bag featuring some of the tchotchkes that I'm including in 3Po and Jammy's goody bags -- plus a great CD from children's musical artist Mr. David. Jump in the Jumpy House is just the kind of music you want to be playing at a birthday party at a bouncy house place -- it's edgy, bold, and fun to groove down to. The title song in particular makes me feel like we should be headbanging and hopping around frenetically. The boys are in hysterics over his lyrics ("Crocodiles eat little boys...... just kidding"). Best of all, it doesn't make parents want to tear their hair out.

Here's how to enter:

* Leave a comment on this post -- don't forget to include your email address so I can contact you.

* For an extra entry, blog about this giveaway on your own blog and include a link to this post. Leave an extra comment with your name, email address and a link to your blog.

I'll draw a winner at random on December 29, 2008. For the full giveaway rules, click here.


  1. My daughter loves high energy kids music! And I like kids music that's still a little bit rockin' so this sounds great!


  2. Super fun! We are a musical family so it wouldn't go unappreciated for sure!


  3. So my kids love LOVE music and dancing around to it. THe only problem is we only have 1 kid CD. I really need another one to get them groovin to. THanks!


  4. Happy 5th birthday to the boys! I would appreciate being entered in your darling giveaway. Thanks, Cindi

  5. blogged it

  6. Sounds fun, blogging you right now :)

  7. My boys would LOVE this! Thanks!

    Kristalsblog at yahoo dot com

  8. I've posted this giveaway on my sidebar: www.kristalcoles.blogspot.com

    Kristalsblog at yahoo dot com

  9. This past weekend my 3 year old grandson spent the night. I asked him if he wanted to hear some Christmas music. He said no he wanted to hear some dance music. This kid loves to dance. Thanks.

  10. Happy Birthday to your lil ones! This cd sounds so cute I'd love to be entered thanks

  11. We are a musical family and me and my kids would love this!

  12. My niece would love this. Thanks!

  13. My granddaughter would just love this. Thank you so much!

  14. My son Gabriel (2 in February) loves all types of music, I think its because we introduced him to all kinds of music since he was born!

    kristinia at lovingheartmommy dot com

  15. We blogged here:

  16. this looks like it would be fun!


  17. My daughter loves music, this sounds like fun!

  18. Cute giveaway - hope the party is not too crazy!

  19. My son thinks our living room is a jumpy house-this sounds like a great energy-burner. Thanks!
    linjenals at yahoo dot com
