Get ready for 12 days of giveaways!

Bonggamom's Christmas blog button 08

Christmas is almost here! My kids are so excited, they're almost peeing in their pants. There's a gingerbread house in the kitchen, stocking above the fireplace and presents under the tree. Yes, presents! And to celebrate with you all, Bonggamom Finds will be giving away one present for each of the 12 Days of Christmas, including:

* Products from Leapfrog
* A CurlyQ haircare kit
* Disney Photopass products
* A Global Wonders DVD
* books, cd's and more

Two of the giveaways will be hosted on Being Savvy: Silicon Valley, my latest blogging gig (it's a great resource for preschools and activities in Silicon Valley; if you don't live in Silicon Valley, never fear, there are over 40 other city guides!). To enter, simply visit my Savvy posts on December 25 and January 1 and leave a comment there.

The other ten giveaways will be hosted right here. To enter, visit Bonggamom Finds and leave a comment on the day's giveaway post. For more chances to win, you can also do the following:

* Blog about the giveaways on your own blog..

* Twitter about the giveaways (I'm @bonggamom on Twitter).

* Put my "12 Days of Christmas" button on your sidebar (see below for the code).

Each of the giveaways on this blog will last for 12 days, and I'll pick winners at random using Visit Bonggamom Finds each and every day of Christmas!

Bonggamom's 12 Days of Christmas button:
Bonggamom's Christmas blog button 08

Ok, it's not the greatest button, but I'm no graphic artist and hey, it gets you an extra entry to my giveaways. So to display this image copy and paste the following code onto your site:

<a href=""><img width="125" src="" alt="Bonggamom's 12 Days of Christmas 2008"/></a>