Curly Qs for your curly-haired cutie

I have wavy hair (I had curls as a baby), and Alfie would still have curls today if he had enough hair leftwore his hair longer, so it wasn't surprising that The Pea spent her babyhood with a head of adorable curly hair. It has relaxed to more of a wave at this point, like mine, and just like my hair, The Pea's hair frizzes at the slightest hint of moisture. It tangles into such impossible snarls that she runs away from me in the mornings when she sees me walking towards her with a hairbrush.

When I received a Curly Q's girls hair care set from CURLS, The Pea took one look at the bubblegum-colored labels and quickly pounced and claimed the set for her very own. It's amazing what cute, girly packaging can do: she's so diligent about her hair care regimen now. She'd use the Curlie Cutie Cleansing Cream and Coconut Dream Moisturizing Conditioner every single day if I let her. She's been using these two for a couple of weeks now, and everybody loves the coconutty smell (I'm surprised complete strangers don't come up to her and take a sniff of her fruity head). The Radiant Ringlets Curl Gloss smells like a pineapple shake and leaves her hair nice and shiny. I love that the products contain natural, organic ingredients which don't dry out or destroy her hair. The best part? Mornings are less of a battle now because her hair isn't so tangled up.

I have to confess that I've been sneaking some of her conditioner for myself. Even though my hair is wavy, not curly (Type 2A or 2B according to the Curls Hair Type/Product Recommendation chart), it really does a great job of smoothing out the tangles. Hmmm.... I think I'll try the Curly Q Milkshake (to tame my frizzy hair) when she's not looking. Hey, I want my hair to look and smell yummy, too.

If you've got curly or wavy hair, stay tuned for a review of more CURLS products for women. And keep checking back; I'll be coming out with a Curly Qs product giveaway soon!

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