The Trendy Bebe Giveaway

What do you give the child who has everything? Something personalized, of course! Unique and personal gifts are all the rage these days, and online boutique The Trendy Bebe offers a great selection of personalized gifts for any occasion. Trendy Bebe features all the hottest "it" brands and hard-to-find labels.

For the love of that fluffy pink tutu skirt , I wish they had stuff like this when mine were babies. It almost makes me want to give birth all over again. I'm really digging the infant onesies with clever sayings like "Fresh out of the oven", "Just Hatched" or "I'm not a boy" (waaaay better than those awful infant headbands for baby girls). And how I WISH I could squeeze 3Po and Jammy into those adorable twin "1 of 2" / "2 of 2" onesies!

Thanks to the good folks at The Trendy Bebe and Mom Blog Marketing, one lucky winner will receive a free small personalized shantung album. The album comes in pink or blue. You can even personalize the cover with a name, birthdate or monogram in chic brown or white writing, and a brown or white grosgrain ribbon.

Here's how to enter:

* Go to the The Trendy Bebe website and select your favorite two products (my faves? Those twin onesies I mentioned, and anything with polka dots on it).

* Leave a comment on this post -- tell me which two Trendy Bebe products you like best. Don't forget to include your email address so I can contact you.

* For an extra entry, blog about this giveaway on your own blog and include a link to this post. Leave an extra comment with your name, email address and a link to your blog.

* I'll draw a winner at random on December 9, 2008. For the full giveaway rules, click here.

Only one person can win, but don't despair. Trendy Bebe is giving my readers free shipping on purchases made on their website. Just enter the code WINTER at checkout.

Good luck!


  1. Kidkraft Large Kitchen & KidKraft Savannah Dollhouse


  2. Love the MudPie Prince Fabric Brag Book and the Firetruck Personalized Minki Blanket. Both look very cute! Thanks for the chance to enter!

  3. I like the Murray Rocking Horse and the Chocolate with Pink Polka Dots Album. Thanks so much!
    linjenals at yahoo dot com

  4. I like the Lola Et Moi dresses!
    1) Happy Birthday Dress
    2) Fantasy Dress

  5. I really love
    1.Levels of Discovery Princess Kiddie Up
    2. KidKraft Georgia Peach Dollhouse

    Would be perfect for my 2 youngest girls :)
    Thank you so much for the chance!

  6. I Blogged!

