SF 49ers Kids Club: magnet giveaway

At last week's Mommy and Me on The Row event, the kids insisted on lining up for a free 49ers foam football. Of course they told us all about their latest promotion, the SF 49ers Kids Club. The $20 membership includes lots of 49ers-logo stuff including a yearbook, t-shirt, pin, backpack, wristbands and other tchotchkes. It also includes entry to win tickets to a 49ers home game and entry to their Kids Club Training Camp Day. For little football fans, it sounds like a great deal. Since my kids are fans of that other sport they call football, we took the pigskins and passed on the memberships.

Be the first or second to comment on this post and I'll send you a 49ers magnet featuring Frank Gore!


  1. Am I the first


  2. Yes you are! Watch out for an email from me, asking for your mailing address.
